The Glass Family - A Electric Band (1968) #psychedelic_rock #psychedelic_pop #west_coast #fadeaway Весь альбом здесь: Glass family - семейство вымышленных персонажей, живущих в Нью-Йорке, которые появляются в нескольких рассказах великого писателя Джерома Сэлинджера. Почему ребята так назвались - вопрос не сильно волнующий, а вот их музыка может многое, в том числе и ласкать слух прекраснейшими мелодиями, сдобренными великолепными аранжировками и превосходным вокалом. In the late Sixties, following the huge success of the Doors, record labels searched for the next big thing in psychedelia. They had minor hits with the Seeds and Love, but they still were looking for more. The frenzy was much like that in the late 1970s or early 1990s when almost anything new wave/punk (70s) or pop-punk/grunge (90s) was given a serious once over by the majors. Just as then , the late 60s saw a lot of one-off LPs by bands who never quite made it out of their hometown or commune. One of those bands was the Glass Family. From the album cover which shows three guys standing in front of an old farmhouse full of people, you would guess that the Glass Family is some kind of commune. My bet is that the band was one of the many who stalked Sunset Blvd. looking for gigs or anyone to listen to their music. Someone heard them, slapped the name on them to capitalize on the hippie commune thing and found some dirtbags and an old house and snapped the photo. Why? Because the record is way more pop than hippie jam band. The songs are compact. Some drive hard; others are gentle and melodic. Garage/psych freaks rave about the fuzzed out songs, which are actually the most boring of the bunch. The magic in this record is in the pop, whether it be the punkish House of Glass or the West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band-esque Do You Remember. Personnel: Ralph Parrett – Vocals, Guitar David Capiloato – Keyboards, Bass Gary Green – Drums Percussion Photography By Cover – Fred Shapiro Photography By Liner – Phil Kaufman (2) Producer – Richard Podolor Engineer – Bill Cooper, R. Podolor Art Direction – Ed Thrasher mp3: flac:,

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